Animation characters have been produced by police to urge residents to keep their homes locked and well-lit to prevent burglaries.

Officers were out in Fagley, Bradford, yesterday for the start of the campaign to highlight the consequences of not following basic crime prevention advice.

Police community support officers used pedal power to project the film, which includes three animation characters, each representing a type of burglary.

‘Woolly Wally’ likes gadgets such as laptops, iPods and mobile phones while ‘Handy McNabber’ represents criminals who prey on cheap locks and weak security devices.

‘Slim Pickings’ is a sneak-in thief on the look-out for unlocked doors and windows.

Acting Superintendent Chris Corkindale, who is overseeing ‘The Usual Suspects’ campaign, said: “From September onwards as the nights get darker we tend to see an increase in certain types of burglaries. The campaign’s a reminder for people to leave a light on, lock their doors and keep valuables out of sight.

“We have used other more traditional methods to get the message across but this is an innovation and hopefully it will leave a lasting impression.

“This campaign is not designed to frighten people because burglary has reduced by 3.6 per cent in West Yorkshire but we are not prepared to rest on our laurels.”

Acting chief inspector Peter Craig, of Airedale and North Bradford Police, said: “We believe by targeting ‘at risk’ areas like Fagley we will reduce the risks of burglary even further.

“The animation catches people’s attention and helps us to give the message we want them to hear.”

The force’s exhibition vehicle will play the film at several roadshows including at Ravenscliffe and Greengates on Tuesday, September 21, and at Bradford University on Tuesday, October 5.

The animation can also be viewed at westyorkshire.