A gang of masked robbers wielding iron bars threatened female staff in a terrifying daylight raid at a Saltaire estate agent.

The armed raiders, wearing balaclava masks and hooded tops, burst into Village Estates in Daisy Place, off Saltaire Road, and demanded money.

The women’s screams alerted managing director John Daure, who was in an upstairs meeting room at the time.

Mr Daure said: “We shot down the stairs and into the office and realised we were in the middle of a raid.

“There were three of them masked with balaclavas and with metal bars. Until we got downstairs we hadn’t realised what was going on.”

  • Three men, aged 18, 20 and 20, have been arrested in connection with the robbery and all three remained in custody last night.
  • Read more on this story in Wednesday's Telegraph & Argus