Road safety experts have reacted with alarm after an average of one driver every four minutes was spotted using a mobile phone at one of Bradford city centre’s busiest junctions.

The Telegraph & Argus photographed 15 motorists on hand-held phones in the space of only one hour at Jacob’s Well roundabout yesterday.

The snapshot survey was carried out during the morning rush hour at the congestion blackspot where drivers are having to take extra care as traffic lights are temporarily disabled due to the City Park construction work. And it took place only a day after the West Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership started a month-long Distraction Devastates campaign warning drivers of the potentially horrific consequences of losing concentration behind the wheel.

Councillor Ghazanfer Khaliq, Bradford Council’s executive member for environment and sustainability – which includes road safety, said he was alarmed by the findings of the T&A survey.

He said: “Obviously motorists need to be aware how dangerous it is when you are not concentrating 100 per cent on your driving. Using a mobile is putting yourself at risk and other people as well. I would urge people not to use mobile phones while they are driving.”

  • Read more on this story in Wednesday's Telegraph & Argus