Talks have taken place between Bradford Council and the company behind the massive Broadway shopping scheme after concerns about the start date for building work.

Council leader Kris Hopkins has met representatives of Westfield to discuss the eagerly-awaited city centre project at a time when Council planners have admitted to being "frustrated" that a precise date has not been announced for construction to begin.

Westfield, the world's biggest retail operator, has completed demolition but has not said exactly when the first phase of major building work will start.

The company is believed to be conducting final negotiations with interested retailers before making a firm announcement on the start date for construction work.

The £300 million complex, which will include 100 shops, two department stores, apartments and a large car park, is due to open in time for Christmas 2008.

Coun Hopkins, who became Council leader in May, said his first meeting with Westfield had been "extremely positive".

Afterwards, he said: "I'm 100 per cent confident that this project is going to be delivered."

But a perceived lack of activity on the site has led to growing frustration and speculation across the city.

In a frank interview with the Telegraph & Argus, Dave Preece, the Council's group planning manager, said: "We are still frustrated with them (Westfield) for not giving us a precise start date.

"People keep asking me when work will begin and I wish I could tell them."

Two months ago, Westfield went so far as to say construction will start "in the second half of this year" when Yorkshire Water completes a sewer scheme on the site. The water company said it expects to be finished by mid-August.

Mr Preece, who has worked closely on the scheme for the Council, said a number of factors could be contributing to the wait. He said: "Westfield has got various retailers lined up and it is trying to get them pinned down legally to commit.

"Part of it is waiting for the final OK from head office in Australia. There is nothing sinister in it but there is going to come a time soon when Westfield is going to have to get moving. There's an end date as part of the agreement with the stores.

"The end of 2008 was the opening date. That might have gone a little bit now but not by much. Westfield has got a lot to do."

Leading retailers Debenhams and BHS have announced they will take major stores in the new development, and high street jewellers H Samuel are among many companies negotiating with Westfield over the possibility of moving in.

But a spokesman for Marks & Spencer said the company was not planning to open a new store at Broadway.

Mr Preece said: "Westfield has a contract where Debenhams dictate their terms and part of that is that they like to pin it down to a definite opening date.

"I believe Debenhams has also delayed things by asking for certain changes internally. It should not be long before we have a major announcement."

Council planners have also held meetings with Westfield over small changes to the scheme, including window design and roof edges.

Councillor Andrew Mallinson, the Council's executive member for regeneration, said: "We are still waiting for confirmation of the start date from Westfield.

"Negotiations are still ongoing with major retailers but, because of commercial confidentiality, they can't say who the retailers are.

"They have met the leader of the Council because concerns have been raised that there's a perception of no activity taking place on the site.

"I understand the opening date may have moved slightly further back, but that's still to be confirmed by Westfield."

Coun Mallinson added that a lot of work was taking place behind the scenes.

He said: "There's no doubt that the commitment is there from Westfield."

Mike Cartwright, of Bradford Chamber, said members had conveyed their frustrations about the pace of development at Broadway.

He said: "We do understand there's a lot of work going on behind the scenes, but retailers and other traders are frustrated and would like to see more work going on above the ground.

"We advise Westfield to be as open and transparent as possible with all the work that's going on, although we know it's difficult for them to announce activities without having details in place such as having a specific proportion of sites in the development pre-let.

"People like Dave Preece and Andrew Mallinson are between a rock and a hard place because they have to keep the developer on side and respond to the frustration coming out of the city."

No-one at Westfield was available to comment about any concerns over the scheme.
