A West Yorkshire-based vehicle tracking specialist, which has a research base at Skipton, has won £10 million of business from utilities and public sector organisations.

Masternaut Three X has signed up National Grid, Scottish Power, Scottish Water, Dumfries and Galloway Council and Renfrewshire Council over the past three months.

The deals will see Leeds-based Masternaut providing tracking for 7,000 vehicles, adding to the 60,000 it already tracks through its web-based system Martin Port, managing director, said: “We are delighted with our recent success in the utilities and public sectors. To gain £10 million of new business in such a short period of time is extraordinary and highlights the energy, water and public sectors’ eagerness to employ advanced vehicle tracking. It also shows our ability to deliver a superior solution, excellent customer service and expertise.

“These organisations are impressed by our extensive knowledge and understanding of how we can apply our solutions to deliver efficiencies, save them money and help them to enhance their customer services.”

Masternaut has sold 120,000 units across Europe, with 60,000 fitted to vehicles in the UK.

The company’s GreenerFleet solution enables fleet operators to reduce their environmental impact by reducing emissions and slashing fuel costs.

Masternaut was started by Martin Port in 2002 and he was named Ernst & Young Northern entrepreneur of the year in 2008.

The company said its tracking system had helped reduce traffic accidents, speeding and fines among staff at Romec, formerly the Royal Mail engineering and construction division of the Post Office, where it has fitted satellite tracking on 1,000 vehicles.