If your terracotta pots took a hammering over the winter months and you ended up with a pile of crocks from broken, frost-damaged containers, it may be time to invest in a new batch.

In recent years, garden centres have been flooded with metal containers in both shiny and matt or weathered finishes, along with synthetic pots made from moulded resins which look like granite, stone or terracotta and won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

There are pros and cons for all pots. If you go for unglazed clay, the pots will be porous and therefore plant-friendly, carrying air to the plant roots. They are also heavy, thus keeping large or top-heavy plantings stable.

However, unglazed terracotta absorbs water from the planting compost, so the plants will need watering more frequently and, as many of you will have discovered after the snow, will crack and break in frosty weather unless they are protected from the elements.

Metal pots look great in contemporary settings, with their sharp lines and eye-catching sparkle, but they don’t do well in sunny situations as the containers quickly heat up and can damage the roots of the plants.

You can, however, get around the problem by placing the plant in a different container and then putting that inside the metal one, adding damp compost or shredded bark into the metal pot, which will then act as insulation against the heat.

Natural wood planters are widely available in soft and hardwoods and blend well with plant material. They are not affected by frost and are light and relatively inexpensive. Look at sets of barrel-shaped planters, such as a bargain set of four for £29.99 from greenfingers.com (0845 3450728).

The disadvantage of wood is that if it is left untreated, the life of the container will be short. They will last longer if you line them with thick plastic sheeting.

Many gardeners would baulk at the thought of buying a plastic pot, but today there are many good ones out there which really don’t look plastic, and you can paint the pot with a metallic finish to give it a contemporary feel. Plastic is light, cheap and you can drill as many drainage holes as you like.

Good options include Sankey’s range of recycled plastic pots which look like granite (for information, phone 0115 9277335, or visit rsankey.com).

The disadvantage is that over time many plastic containers go brittle, especially if placed in direct sun, and the roots have little protection from winter cold.

A more convincing fake is resin, which is also light but can look like stone, granite or terracotta and is resistant to frost and heat. For me, it’s probably the best option if you want a good look but don’t want the hassle of having to lift heavy stone or terracotta containers.

So don’t feel too bad about ditching your frost-damaged pots because there are plenty of stylish options out there to replace them.