The owner of Midge, the world-famous one-eyed racing cat, has set his sights firmly on the big time after writing a full screenplay for Midge the movie.

Wrose parish councillor Martin Humphreys and his feline friend shot to stardom after the short children’s film he made, The Great Race, was shown at the Shorter Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival last year.

But now Mr Humphreys is set to make a bid for true movie stardom when he sends out a short synopsis of his latest script to film producers this week in the hope of finding a production company.

Mr Humphreys, who took Midge in from a cat rescue centre in Bradford 12 years ago, said: “When I was out in Cannes, American Motion Picture said they wouldn’t do anything on an idea, they needed a script, so that’s the reason I started to write it.

“The film is going to be very much based on the idea of the original race except in the final she is going to race the Olympic champion, who I have called Rocket Rico.

“There’s a whole story before that and all sorts of things happen to her.

“I’m going to send it out to people I met in Cannes whose cards I have still got. I have one or two connections I have met who are in the business and then you can also go out and try and locate people on the internet.”

In the run-up to the Cannes Film Festival Midge, who enjoys racing Mr Humphreys along their street in Wrose, became a household name as interest in her story snowballed after appearing in the Telegraph & Argus.

Her story has also featured on programmes such as ITV1’s Animals Do The Funniest Things.

The Great Race is currently being shown at The Brooklyn Children’s Museum, in New York, and the Atlanta Film Festival, in Georgia.

Mr Humphreys said it is also due to appear at the largest children’s film festival in the world, the Kids First Film Festival, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, later this year.