Residents at a Bradford sheltered scheme staged a tea party to celebrate the makeover of their communal lounge.

Improvement work at Wellesley House in Laisterdyke was organised by their landlord, Incommunities, and also included the refurbishment of the first-floor recreation room and communal corridors and stairwells.

Work involved redecoration, fitting new carpets and flooring, upgrading the fire alarm system and new communal lighting.

Resident Doris Sunter said: “The improvements have really brightened up the place. Hopefully, this will encourage more residents to come together and enjoy one another’s company.”

Anna Fryer, director of Incommunities’ east office, said: “It’s been a real team effort to make these improvements and follows a consultation with residents. The work is part of Incommunities’ ongoing work to improve the quality of our accommodation and care for older people.”