Advertising in local newspapers is among the most noticed in all media outlets says a report.

The Newspaper Society of Britain published its report today based on more than 5,000 consumer interviews.

It shows that advertisements in newspapers like the Telegraph & Argus are "noticed, relevant, acted upon and wanted".

It also says adverts in local newspapers are rarely skipped over, unlike other ads.

The research showed that 53 per cent of TV adverts were ignored, compared with just 14 per cent in local papers. Robert Ray, marketing director of the Newspaper Society, said: "Media and communications strategies often fail to even consider the local press.

"Yet here is a medium which is not only dynamic in its scale and portfolio but has a totally unique relationship with people of all ages throughout the UK."

He said "Ad avoidance simply isn't an issue in regional newspapers like the T&A where readers want and act upon the advertising."