A grandmother has been honoured for battling against a major stroke that left her partially paralysed.

Sheila Pennie has fought against the effects of being robbed of much of the movement on her right side.

The grandmother of two spent four months in hospital after the stroke. She could not walk and had to give up her job at Bradford & Bingley, but refused to give in.

She attended physiotherapy twice a week and then worked with a personal trainer at Bingley Pool to regain some strength and fitness.

She works out in the gym, doing cardiovascular and weight training twice a week - all part of the BEEP scheme (Bradford Encouraging Exercise on Prescription) which Bradford Council's bactive campaign supports.

Now the Council has given Sheila, of Wilson Road, Bingley, its bactive award for her determination.

She recalled the day the stroke hit and changed her life. "I got up one morning and just collapsed. I couldn't move," she said. "The stroke left me disabled - I could do almost nothing.

"I spent four months in hospital. I was in a wheelchair, which I still have to use sometimes. I use a stick to walk short distances now.

"I still can't do that much compared with before. My right side has pretty much gone. I can't move my right arm and my leg is very weak, so I can't walk far. I do the best I can. Philip, my husband, has been a great support.

"My doctor recommended I go to the BEEP sessions, so I began with a swim to try to get some muscle built up."

She added: "It's been good to get the award. I hope it will show other people like me that they can do something and that help is there."

"I couldn't have done it without the help of everyone at Bingley Pool and the BEEP scheme."

Steve Warner, head of Bradford Council's sport and leisure service, said: "Sheila has battled hard since her stroke and shown great determination and courage to regain her health and fitness - she is an inspiration to us all.

"Being ill or injured can be a very depressing experience but Sheila has shown what an important role exercise has played in her recovery along with the benefits that regular physical activity can bring.

"I would encourage people of all ages and abilities to follow Sheila's lead and become more physically active and enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle."

The Council's bactive campaign was started in 2003 to encourage people to be more physically active.

The bactive awards are presented in recognition of outstanding achievements in encouraging others to be more physically active.

Nominations can be given to Andrew Burns, the bactive manager, on (01274) 431882.