A SETTLED atmosphere has been noted at Giggleswick Primary School since the recent upheaval caused by work to extend the classroom areas.

Inspectors for Ofsted said that overall the school's effectiveness was satisfactory, with some good features that provide sound value for money.

They said the standards reached and the progress made by the older children was satisfactory, but added: "Disruption to learning caused by the frequent use of supply staff to cover for the headteacher during the building programme had a greater effect than the school imagined."

Nevertheless, progress was said to be "good" in years one and two and standards were consistently above average by the end of year two.

"Sometimes children in year two 'rocket' ahead, as in 2005, to reach exceptionally high results," the inspector's report stated, but it also noted that progress was not as consistent thereafter.

The report said the school's rate of progress since its last inspection was beginning to improve now that the difficulties were over. It added that there were good methods of care and support in place and that children's personal development was good.

Progress in English and mathematics was uniformly strong and the pupils also made sound progress in information and communication technology.

The report stated that a strong link between home and school helped to make teaching successful in the reception and year one class.

Inspectors described the children as polite, caring and friendly while leadership and management was satisfactory.

Improvements the school could undertake to continue its progress included: involving older children in the evaluation of their own progress, monitoring of lessons to include a regular check on children's progress and achievement, and improving the use made of information gained from test results and assessing children's work.

Headteacher, Anne Michelmore-Brown said: "We are pleased that the report applauds many aspects of the school, in particular its family ethos, its varied curriculum and the support and care staff give to the children. It highlights our strong partnership with parents, the close teamwork among our staff and the strongly felt sense of communal pride among our pupils."