Three canine companions who elicit a joyful response from nursing home residents are part of a national programme to encourage the use of animals in therapy.

Pets as Therapy (PAT) volunteer Jane Thrower, from Eldwick, has been visiting vulnerable groups in the district for nine years with her dogs in tow.

Retired greyhound Sunny, 12, Collie-cross Dana, 11, and three-year-old greyhound Meg - who never made it to the racing track because of a squint - are regular visitors to nursing and residential care homes across the district.

Children's groups, special schools and hospices also receive the attention of the furry friends in a bid to enhance their lives without having the responsibility of looking after a permanent pet.

Jeni Oetgen, matron at Wingfield Nursing Home in Bingley, where the dogs are regular visitors, said they encouraged a high level of response from elderly residents.

"It's totally stimulating and we get a reaction that we don't always see.

"The animals are so docile and non-threatening," said Mrs Oetgen, who said it would be impossible to have a dog as a pet in the home.

Wingfield resident, Lily Pearson, 90, said the pets reminded her of the days when she had looked after dogs.

"I'm not frightened of them, I used to have my own, I love them," she said.

Phyllis Edwards, 96, added: "I think they are marvellous, they are beautiful and so well-behaved."

Mrs Thrower said the idea of PAT, which has been running nationally for more than 20 years, was to offer an alternative method of comfort and companionship.

"There are always plenty of people around when we come, they look forward to seeing them," she said.

Mrs Thrower also takes the dogs out to children's groups to teach youngsters about pet handling, responsibility and compassion.

Kay Adams, Brown Owl at First Eldwick Brownie Pack, said the dogs' visits taught children about being responsible.

She said the dogs helped the Brownies work towards a badge promoting friendship towards animals.

Mrs Thrower said PAT is always on the look-out for dog owners who would be interested in volunteering for the group.

She said there was no rule about what breeds were suitable, so long as the dogs were good natured.

To contact Mrs Thrower about PAT telephone (01274) 562394 or contact head office on 0870 977 0003.