David Wetherall is urging City to pump up the feel-good factor

surrounding new investment talk with a first home win in 2006.

With a potential money man waiting in the wings, Wetherall believes it is vital the team can deliver against Oldham tomorrow.

They are also chasing back-to-back wins to continue to pull clear of the congested League One relegation zone.

Wetherall said: "It's always the case with a football club that everything depends on results on the pitch. The feeling around the place hinges on what happens on a Saturday.

"Everyone has got their fingers crossed that something might

happen from these talks. I don't know any details but if there is money coming in, that can only be good news for anybody who cares about the club.

"Obviously it is still worrying for everybody, supporters and players alike, when you hear the club is going to lose £1.5million this year. That's not a situation that can keep on going and something has got to change.

"Hopefully this is the point when it changes and the club starts not only turning the corner but gets itself on a real stable footing and back to a break-even point."

Chairman Julian Rhodes, who hopes that the deal with an unnamed investor can be struck soon, has also released the new season-ticket prices this week - a further reason for City to look to impress.

Wetherall said: "We won the last one at Bournemouth and must make sure we win again to start a much more positive feeling around the place because there hasn't been one for a little while now.