The only way is Fairtrade for Keighley Woodcraft Folk, who were out in force in Sainsbury's supermarket on Saturday to convert shoppers to their way of thinking.

Seven Elfins (aged 6-9) from the group worked hard to promote Fairtrade, handing out samples and leaflets and two older ex-group members who were passing by even joined in .

A banner was placed behind a special Fairtrade stall, which ran from 10am-2pm, and said that 'Keighley Woodcraft Folk choose Fairtrade' this Fairtrade fortnight and at all other times.

Emma Dooks, the leader of the group, said: "We had a very successful morning. The children were so enthusiastic and energetic that we had distributed over 300 leaflets and hundreds of free samples of tea, coffee, chocolate and cereal bars by 1pm!

"There was a lot of interest from shoppers, many of whom had heard about Fairtrade issues through the church, workplace or school, which is very encouraging. We also spoke to many people about Fairtrade for the first time."

Emma added that one shopper was so impressed by the children's hard work that she bought them all some chocolate eggs to share. Keighley Woodcraft Folk are part of a national organisation for children and young people.

The group meets every Monday at the Small World Arts Project from 6-7.30pm, for co-operative activities and games and to learn about peace and friendship.