Lottery grants totalling over £26,000 have been awarded to local groups.

Half a dozen organisations share the cash, announced this week.

Throughout Yorkshire and the Humber, 203 grants -- totalling £885,646 -- have been given in the latest round of the Awards for All programme.

Local beneficiaries are: Steeton Primary School (£4,850), for family arts activities for pupils and parents; Highfield Primary Care Partnership (£4,700), to offer training courses to local people to improve diet and lifestyle; Airedale and Wharfedale Cricket Devel-opment Group (£4,940), for after-school coaching sessions and competitions for schools and cricket clubs; Haworth Arts Group (£5,000), towards the cost of an arts festival; South Craven Community Action (£4,500), to enhance communication between service providers and older people through the provision of training and resources: and Lothersdale Parish Council (£2,794), to provide a shelter for young people to allow them to meet socially.

The Awards for All scheme, run by the Big Lottery Fund, makes awards of between £500 and £5,000 to community groups and voluntary organisations.

Spokeswoman Vanessa White said: "This week's announcement will mean so much to so many people in the region.

"As ever with Awards for All, a tremendous range of projects has been funded and again thousands of people will see the benefits that small lottery grants -- put straight into the hands of hard working local groups -- can bring.

"The programme is a great way for us to channel money to local projects and we would like to hear from any voluntary and community groups which feel that a grant could help their work.

"You can find out more by logging on to our web site at, or by calling the advice line on 0845 600 20 40. The application process is straightforward and you will normally have a response within eight weeks," she said.