Councillors next week will discuss the best ways of spending a £1.62 million windfall.

The Government cash is to support new and existing projects and businesses in the district.

It was awarded under the Local Authority Business Growth Incentive Scheme.

Projects to benefit will include the delivery of the Airedale and Manningham masterplans, the Jobs@ service, an improved planning service, the Bradford Canal scheme and a development fund to kick-start physical regeneration projects.

Councillor Simon Cooke, Bradford Council's executive member for regeneration and culture, said: "This money is wonderful news for residents, businesses and the district as a whole -- £1.62 million is a big windfall in a one-off payment.

"It will allow us to help bring exciting projects, such as the Airedale and Manningham masterplans and Bradford Canal, to fruition, spend funds to attract more investment into the district and also increase growth in local businesses."

Cllr Cooke added: "Since 1990, business rate revenues have been paid into a central pool so that local authorities get no direct individual or local benefit, but this has now changed and it will be a real boost for the district.

"The scheme recognises that the local government finance structure does not fully reward local authorities for their contribution to economic growth."

Members of the council's executive will discuss the cash award on Tuesday.