Could this be the face of the new Steven Spielberg?

Peter Clarke, pictured left, from Haworth, is the budding young film-maker in town and his Second World War film "The List" has just premiered at a special night event held at Haworth Youth Hostel.

A select crowd was invited to the premiere last Sunday to watch the 20-minute-long film, which Peter started writing the script for almost four years ago when he was only nine years old.

Peter, now 13, held auditions in August last year at Oakbank School, where he is now in year eight. By Christmas he had finished filming and produced a short trailer to show his friends and teachers.

Peter said: "I have always been interested in film and my ambition is to be a director. I am hoping to enter this film for an award. It has been good to just get it all under way."

The film has 20 cast members, all of whom are Peter's class friends, and his production company even has its own name -- "Fly Away Productions'.

Peter has been filming a lot of the scenes of his war drama at Haworth Youth Hostel, which his parents manage.

Lorraine Clarke, Peter's mum, said that one of the main catalysts for producing the film was the "do it for real" summer holidays, which hostels across the country offer to young people aged 11-17.

Peter took part last year in the holiday at Haworth Youth Hostel, which had a film and media theme, and it was there that Lorraine said he was able to crystallise his passion for film.

She said: "I think it is incredible for a 13-year-old boy to be this driven.

"It has been all his own work and we just wanted to celebrate his achievements. It really excites me that someone has done it for real.

"He can see a whole movie in his head, with all the different shots, and he has spent hours editing the film.

All the cast and crew, their parents, some teachers and many more were able to watch the film in full for the first time on Sunday.

Mark Brunskill, also in year eight, who has always been into drama and plays the General in the film, said: "It's been really fun. I didn't expect it to be anything like this. It's been great."

Like a true star Peter even had his own cameo role in the film.

Dave Hoyle, a teacher at Oakbank School, who was invited to the premier, said: "I thought for a 13-year-old the whole thing was just fantastic.

"They had out-takes and everything. "It showed that if you have the initiative you can follow your dreams."