HOTHFIELD Terrace residents in Skipton are calling for measures to stop speeding traffic damaging parked cars and putting pedestrians in danger.

Dino Reardon, who has lived on the street 12 years, said Hothfield Terrace was wide enough for two cars, but many residents had to park their vehicles on the road.

The street is partially on a bend and has a steady stream of traffic as it links Keighley Road with Carleton Road.

He explained: "The cars are driving too fast and having to brake and pull into the side when they see a vehicle approaching them."

Mr Reardon said this had led to three cars being scratched in the past few months.

Before Christmas he had a £2,000 repair bill after a car actually ploughed into his parked vehicle.

Mr Reardon believes parking bays like the ones on Keighley Road and Gargrave Road could be the solution as they provide spaces cut into the pavement and off the main highway.

He said this would also slow down drivers.

Mr Reardon added the pavement on the other side of the road was wide and rarely used by pedestrians. He said this meant there was scope to widen the road.

His next door neighbour, Sarah Baldwin, told the Herald she often struggled to get her two young children and baby into her car when it was parked on the road.

She said: "I have been verbally abused and it's quite stressful in the morning to get the kids in. I have started doing to school run early so I miss the rush hour."

She also thought parking bays, like on Keighley Road, could be the answer.

"It seems a bit safer down there," she said.

Mr Reardon has contacted ward councillor Polly English and also raised his concerns with the county council's highways department.

Coun English has requested the matter be discussed at the next Craven Area Committee meeting due to take place on Thursday.