A SCHOOL has won its fight to keep a "wendy house" that fell foul of planning rules.

The children's timber playhouse was under threat of demolition after a neighbour found its location at Gargrave Primary School offensive.

But Craven District Council's planning committee decided on Monday not to proceed with enforcement action.

Coun Stephen Butcher said it was "utterly ridiculous" to ask the school to seek planning permission for a playhouse. "I think we would look fools," he added.

In a report to the meeting, planning officer Helen Signol said: "Whilst the structure is clearly visible from houses in Neville Road, it is considered that due to its small scale and siting, it does not cause any significant harm to the street scene or character and appearance of the area."

The problem was sparked because the school did not have permitted development rights and needed permission before erecting additional buildings.

The playhouse, used by reception children, was given to the school by the Parent Teachers Association and was erected last autumn.

At the time, headteacher Paul Duke said staff were shocked to find they were breaking planning rules. But a planning application would have cost £150 - more than the playhouse was worth.