A WOMAN was left injured and shaken after a man pounced on her on a Skipton street.

The 26-year-old woman was walking home along Upper Sackville Street at 10.10pm on Friday.

She had nearly reached the recreation ground at the top of the hill when a man came from behind and grabbed her.

He pushed her forward into a wall, causing her to hit her head, and tried to drag her towards the nearby railway line. But the woman managed to escape and run away. The offender also fled.

A police spokeswoman said the victim was very shaken and suffered bruising and swelling.

The police are appealing for witnesses or anyone who saw the offender to come forward.

He was white and wore a black zipped jacket over a white hooded top with a black trim on the hood.

PC Sharon Brannan, from Skipton Police, said: "Although Craven is generally a safe place to be, we still need to be aware of our safety during hours of darkness."

The police witness line is 01423 539334.