THE cobwebs have been dusted off a long-forgotten scheme to address traffic congestion and pedestrian safety in Skipton's Caroline Square.

Next weekend the county council's highways department will hold a mini exhibition on a £150,000 scheme, which is part of the Skipton Traffic Management Strategy.

The scheme suggests installing a new roundabout at the entrance to Swadford Street from Keighley Road and a new zebra crossing on Newmarket Street.

It also proposes realigning the Caroline Square roundabout with an overrun area to assist large vehicles to manoeuvre safely.

Another major change suggested will be the widening of the setts towards the entrance to Newmarket Street which will mean a single lane approach to the roundabout from High Street.

It is felt this will help reduce traffic speed and accommodate the turning movement of larger vehicles.

The widened setts will be laid out with a crossing point, without signage, to direct pedestrians towards crossing the road opposite Sheep Street at one particular point.

The proposals come several years after a public consultation exercise was carried out in the town.

One other scheme that came out of the consultation was the banning of lorries through the town centre, other than for access. This proposal has been passed, but not yet implemented.

The latest exhibition will take place in Skipton Town Hall on Friday and Saturday March 24 and March 25.

North Yorkshire County Council staff will be on hand to answer questions and note any comments.

Coun Peter Sowray, North Yorkshire County Council's executive member for planning, said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for people who live or work in Skipton to see how the county council is proposing to improve congestion and road safety on Caroline Square and I hope people will take advantage of the opportunity."