A councillor kicked off Bradford Council for not attending a single meeting for six months has hit out at the system he says is open to abuse.

Khadam Hussain was elected for the Conservatives in City ward two years ago.

But earlier this week he was sacked under the six-month rule for not attending meetings since September. In that time he had received thousands of pounds in allowances.

Now he says the Council should revert to the old way of paying councillors solely for meetings they attend.

"I think the Council should revert to the old style of paying allowances based on attendance. I want to bring this issue into the open," he said.

"Why should a councillor attend just two meetings in a year and get a salary of about £12,000?

"I never did this for monetary gain. All of the allowances I've received have been handed over to charities - so I don't feel guilty.

"I've no regrets and had already decided not to stand. Politics is not my cup of tea."

His attitude has been condemned by Labour group leader Councillor Ian Greenwood.

"If it had been a member of the Labour party, we would have been pressing him to attend meetings and do his duties," he said.

"When a councillor is elected a certain amount of trust is placed in them - and the job is not just about attending meetings. Perhaps the rule should be changed to three months."

He said that although Council regulations say it cannot order Mr Hussain to pay back his allowances, he should out of a "moral principle".

He also believes the current method of a basic allowance plus special responsibility allowances is a better system.

Mr Hussain, 53, of Boxtree Close, Four Lane Ends, left for Pakistan in November to deal with rebuilding his family home in Dina. He finally returned a week ago.

He said he was aware of the six-month rule, but thought he still had a few weeks left.

His disqualification is automatic under local authority regulations.

His seat was already due to be contested in May's local elections and another Tory candidate will be selected in his place.