Blind and deaf sportswoman Mandy Schofield is searching for a sponsor to help her mount a bid for a place in the 2012 Parlaympics.

The 32-year-old horse rider, who just missed out last year on a squad place for the 2008 Beijing parlaympics, is struggling to meet her training costs.

An appeal to raise £24,000 to buy her own horse has fallen at the first hurdle.

Mandy, of Queensbury, is trying to raise funds herself to pay for her three times a week training at Acrecliffe Equestrian Centre in Otley and at Middleton Park in Leeds.

She said: "I've been baking biscuits to sell because I'm finding it that difficult to pay for all the cost around training that I need if I'm to try and get at place in the 2012 London Paralympics.

"It's a struggle and it's getting very difficult to keep it up."

Mandy, who was born without sight and lost her hearing in childhood, was devastated when she was passed over by a selection panel for the 2008 Paralympics.

She had hoped to win a chance to represent Great Britain in the dressage category of the games but did not score enough points at the all-important trials.

She has not let her disappointment put her off training and from aiming for the next games - to build up her fitness she has started working out at a gym for the first time.

She said: "There is no way I would give up my riding. I love it, it's my life and I want to represent my country doing it one day. I hope that day will be in 2012.

"I had hoped to get the £24,000 to buy my own horse because it's important to build up a trusting relationship and it's essential to giving my best performance.

"At the moment I am having to ride different horses from the equestrian centres I use.

"I know £24,000 was a lot to ask for so now I'm hoping a sponsor, may be a local business will get in touch just to help with my training costs and give me some security for that."

To help her ride she uses a communication device which sees her instructor speak to her through headphones she wears via a miniature microphone.

Mandy started competing in dressage competitions in 2002 and has been involved with the Riding for the Disabled organisation for nine years.

In the last few months she has been winning rosettes at local competitions at Acrecliffe and Middleton Park.

To sponsor Mandy, or find out more about how to help, contact Margaret Hird on (01274) 435001 or e-mail