The grieving mother of a Bradford soldier killed in Iraq today spoke of her anger at the Prime Minister's response to her demands for answers.

Pauline Hickey says she has been searching for justice since her son Sergeant Christian Hickey, 30, died in a roadside bomb blast last October - three days before he was due home.

Earlier this month she delivered a letter to Downing Street with other families who had lost loves ones during the Iraq conflict.

The letter asked for a meeting with Mr Blair so the families can press their case for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq.

She has now received a letter from Downing Street acknowledging the receipt of her letter, but failing to answer the question of the meeting - only stating that a reply would be sent as soon as possible.

Mrs Hickey, of East Bierley, Bradford, said: "I think this is an insult. We have questions that are valid about why our sons and brothers are at war. It's not natural to bury your child.

"Blair has a moral obligation to meet us.

"We know it's not going to bring our sons back but some kind of humanity needs to be shown by Blair. I'm not willing for God to be his judge.

"If the accusations are true I want justice to be served in this life."

Mrs Hickey said she will fight for the truth until the very end, doing whatever it takes. She is joining other anti-war protesters from the Stop the War Coalition during a march called Troops Back Home at Parliament Square, London, tomorrow.

She said: "We intend to push them further. I want justice for my son. He should not have been there in the first place.

"Bush and Blair have both formally agreed that the information that took them to war was flawed but what are they doing about it - they are avoiding talking about it while more people are dying out there every day. It's inconceivable that one person can have so much power and affect so many lives."

A military inquiry into Sgt Hickey's death is under way. Last week a service in his honour was held in East Bierley where his name has been inscribed on the village's war memorial.