It is highly unlikely that Rose Thompson has the faintest idea of what she has done by defecting to the British National Party.

The damage she has caused to this town by her betrayal of electors -- for that is what it is -- is incalculable.

That said, the BNP must have been left wondering if accepting her had been such a good idea as they watched Miss Thompson try to string sufficient words together to make a sentence to explain the reason she had joined that party.

The hurried showpiece press conference left viewers, listeners and readers by the score chortling throughout the land as she struggled to explain she was still standing as a sitting town councillor.

It was of course her choice to swap sides and she is fully entitled to do what she wants with her life. That cannot be questioned -- but such actions come with a burden of responsibility.

Miss Thompson was democratically elected to Keighley Town Council on a no-party ticket. She was also willing to take on the truly independent role as Mayoress, knowing she was a most senior civic representative, standing alongside the Mayor.

There can be no doubt that she has brought that hard fought for office into disrepute. It left the Mayor, Cllr Tony Wright, in a dreadful position and he quite rightly stripped her of the office.

If Miss Thompson is right about the BNP and the levels of support it claims to have, she should have no problem in getting re-elected.

If she believes in her own course of action she should stand down now and seek the electorate's endorsement. If elected, then so be it.

For, at the moment, she does not represent the people who elected her. As one reader put it in a message ..."I can't see how she feels she has any mandate to represent us and make decisions on our behalf". Precisely.

The worst part of this week's developments was seeing Miss Thompson on television surrounded by "booted and suited" party officials.

Those who know little of the true worth of Keighley must be wondering just what sort of people inhabit this corner of the world. Imagine the reaction of a company considering investing in the town.

This town has taken a bit of a beating nationally in recent times. The good people of the area can take all that in their stride -- but not when the slap in the face comes from the inside, especially from someone they have honoured and put their trust in over the years.

Do the decent thing Miss Thompson. That way you may regain a level of respect. If not you will go down as a rat who left to join a sinking ship.