Around 2,000 more jobs should have been created in Bradford by this time next year.

Bradford Council set out the ambitious target in its 26-page outline of what it hopes to achieve over the next 12 months.

The Council's ruling executive will look at the draft Corporate Plan when it meets next week - but the document's contents won't be finalised until June.

The plan is updated every year and aims to reduce crime, keep the district cleaner and greener and improve job opportunities and education.

The current draft outlines the authority's work with Bradford Vision, its three star rating in the Audit Commission's 2005 Comprehensive Performance Assessment, and sets out its aim to become one of the UK's top performing local authorities within five years.

It also promises better customer services through the authority's controversial £160 million back-office computer contract - known as Bradford-i.

If adopted, parts of the plan will target young people with half of all schools achieving 'healthy school' status by December, all children having at least two hours of sport activities each week, and more of them visiting sports centres and libraries.

Others aspects of the plan aim to boost job prospects by attracting displaced civil service posts and programmes like the Skills for Work and the Jobs@ schemes.

All these could be targets in a year when Bradford Council also faces the appointment of a new chief executive, the establishment of a children's services department and the ongoing disruption surrounding the £400 million Broadway development. Council leader Councillor Margaret Eaton (Con, Bingley Rural) said: "The Council aims to continue the good work we have been doing this year while continually improving its services. It looks to be an exciting year ahead, in which we will see the benefits of the Bradford-i initiative, continued partnership working and the implementation of a new streamlined top management restructure."

The draft Corporate Plan is being made public as part of the budget process - next year's spending limits and council tax will be set at next week's meeting of full council.

But the final version of the Corporate Plan will only be finalised once performance figures for 2005-06 are published in June.