A PUBLIC meeting will be in held in Barnoldswick to discuss the possibility of introducing a residents only parking scheme in the Commercial Street and Robert Street area of the town.

But it will only go ahead with the backing of residents. Those interested in the parking proposals are invited to attend the meeting on Thursday December 8 at 6.30pm at The Civic Hall, Barnoldswick.

Pendle council officers were asked to investigate the possible introduction of the scheme at the request of the West Craven area committee.

Highway officers suggested a residents' parking scheme should be introduced as an area wide scheme rather than a single street scheme to prevent the problem simply being transferred to other streets.

A survey then followed to include residents of Commercial Street, Green Street, St James Road, Robert Street, Alice Street, Bessie Street and East View. Of the 96 questionnaires circulated, 46 per cent were for the scheme, 7 per cent against and 46 per cent did not reply.

When the committee met again a report said that although half the residents supported the proposal, which indicated that they perceived a problem and a possible solution in the form of residential only parking, the normal process was to consider that a non-returned form implied that the residents concerned did not see a need for the introduction of a scheme.

"On this basis 46 per cent wish to have the scheme, whilst 54 per cent do not wish to see a scheme introduced, which is a high number of the survey group and usually indicates these residents don't perceive a problem and there is no need to introduce the scheme," said the report.

"The danger of implementing a scheme on this basis is that all those who did not respond may well object to the scheme and request it be removed."

Officers therefore recommended the scheme should not be introduced.

But one resident attending the meeting, a Mr Evans, urged councillors to implement the scheme.

Coun Margaret Bell said: "I propose we have a public meeting with all the residents within the area and that we letter drop everyone to make sure everyone involved sits down and talk through the issues."

Coun David Whipp said: "The key thing that people have to bear in mind is that residents only parking schemes work where there are lots of people visiting the area taking up the street parking spaces which are then not available to residents.

"They don't work if it is a case of twice as many residents' cars as there are spaces."