Saturday night's play-off hero Ian Henderson wants to play for Great Britain.

Torquay-born Australian-raised Henderson, who bagged two tries and the man-of-the-match award in Saturday night's 71-0 demolition of Hull, has his sights set firmly on a GB shirt - but not just yet.

"I would love to play for Great Britain, it is one of my long-term goals for sure," said Henderson.

A player who resembled a fish out of water after stepping off the plane and straight on to Headingley to face the red-hot Rhinos three months ago now looks more like a shark in a small pond.

His eye-catching performances over the Bulls' ten-match winning streak saw him called into the Scotland squad for the European Nations Cup. However, he has turned down that opportunity and will instead return to Australia before focusing on pressing for Great Britain selection next year.

Despite his ambitions the livewire hooker has yet to settle in Britain and is looking forward to heading back Down Under before returning to his country of birth for a renewed assault next season.

"The last couple of weeks I have been pretty homesick because I know I am going home soon," he admitted. "It plays on my mind a bit but I have to put that aside and get down to business."

Henderson, who has another year left on his Bulls deal, isn't fazed by rumours of current GB hooker Terry Newton's impending arrival next season.

"There has been talk about another hooker and, honestly, the club is going to need someone else who can play hooker as well," he said.

"But I just have to play my own game and do my own thing. At any club there is always going to be competition. Obviously I want to keep hold of the shirt but if someone comes in it just means I have to work a bit harder."

"I am happy about Saturday's game. I was happy with my performance. I am stoked.

"The defence that we showed for 80 minutes was unbelievable and our attack just shows we are on a roll. It is going to be hard to stop us over the next two weeks."