THROUGHOUT the year the Herald has been documenting a steady and, for the victims, distressing series of purse snatching crimes. Usually taking place in charity shops in the town, the victims have generally been the elderly, presumably because they are easier targets, far less likely to give chase.

Just to give an example of the scale of the crime, in May we reported that there had been 40 such thefts in the first three months of the year - these were people who had taken the trouble to report the crime to the police. How many did not realise they had been pickpocketed and thought they had just lost their purse, and how many put it down to experience, not wanting to make a "fuss" is not known. The purse snatchers have not taken a summer holiday. If anything, summer provides more prey.

There was a common theme to the thefts. The suspect always seemed to be of East European extraction. Clearly there were organised gangs operating, not opportunistic individuals.

Considerable police time was spent trying to reduce the number of victims. Posters were put up, warnings were made and manpower consuming undercover operations were mounted.

Eventually, the police had success. Two Polish women, one an asylum seeker, throwing herself upon the mercy of the British people, were caught and brought before the courts.

So what deterrent was thrown down? What message was sent out that Skipton will not tolerate such despicable preying upon our elderly folk?

Well one of the thiefs was given a conditional discharge (ie no further action if she does not appear in court for the next six months). The other was given a 12 month supervision order.

We can't help but feel that someone, somewhere is sniggering.