New settlers -- "offcumdens" -- in Silsden are to be given a guide to speaking the local lingo.

In a first for the area new residents in the town will be given a welcome pack to introduce them to the many attractions and services on offer.

It will even include a glossary of local sayings and terms.

The New Residents Packs will act as a handy resource for newcomers, featuring background information about Silsden as well as providing details about the town council, clubs and societies and health and advice services available to them.

The welcome packs are the first project by Silsden Town Council's newly established Tourism Committee.

Chairman Cllr Nick Garrett said: "The packs are not just about outside tourists, but ensuring people get the most out of what Silsden already has.

"We live in a fantastic community. We want to let visitors and new families moving to Silsden know about what there is to do, how to access local services, what they can buy in our shops and a little bit of history."

He said the committee was seeking sponsorship from local businesses to cover the cost of producing the packs,

which will be distributed in estate agents, the library and post office and given to housing developers by the end of the year.

Cllr Garrett said if successful the packs could be developed into something more general for short-stay visitors.

Ian Strong, secretary of the Yorkshire Local Councils Association, praised the committee for its initiative.

Mr Strong pointed out that the idea had been implemented in a few parishes in North Yorkshire. He said: "We think it's a brilliant idea. More parish councils should do it.

"It's certainly a very worthwhile thing and parish and town councils are uniquely positioned to be able to do it."

The Tourism Committee was the brainchild of Cllr Michael Elsmore, who made its establishment one of his first acts as newly elected town mayor in May.

He said: "The idea came when I realised that we do have tourism in Silsden but it isn't promoted. We have a good boatyard here, where people hire boats to cruise along the canal, and we would like them to come and spend a little time and money in Silsden while they are here.

"Silsden isn't a clone town. All the shops, except the Co-op and banks, are local shops and we would like to support our local businesses."

Along with the welcome packs the committee is currently planning to mark the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar day with a community event.

Cllr Garrett said: "Whilst we are never going to be a major tourist site, we can start looking at improving the signage, developing a town trail and applying for funding to tap into the benefits of the canal.

"There are many fantastic groups in Silsden who are involved in areas like promoting the lovely walks in the area, or providing support for local businesses. We want to work with them to ensure the benefits of Silsden are known to residents and visitors."

Offcumden -- an outsider. Cllr Garrett said: "I suppose technically instead of a New Resident Pack, it should really be an 'Offcumden' Pack.

Cobbydaler -- someone from the Silsden area.

Haverbreead (haverbread) -- a soft baked sheet of oatmeal held together by thickened water. People who bought it hung it over the rails of the clothes drier, a rack which hung from the living room ceiling. After hanging the haverbreead for a couple of days it became hard and crisp and was then spread with butter.

Breeadflake -- the name given to the hanging clothes drier in Silsden after its use to dry haverbreead.

Slopstone -- the draining board on a stone sink.