A scheme aimed at cutting the number of accidents on a busy Shipley road will be unveiled to local residents tonight.

Plans to introduce patches of red coloured road surfacing complete with slow signs on the downhill section of Carr Lane together with the installation of other warning signs are included in Bradford Council's casualty reduction programme for 1997/98.

Members of the public will have a chance to hear about the scheme and voice their opinions at the Wrose Neighbourhood Forum at the Highcroft Youth Centre in Snowden Road, Wrose, at 7.30pm.

The Council has set aside £9,500 to meet the cost of the project and the work is due to be completed by the end of the financial year.

A Council spokesman said over the past five years there had been one fatal, three serious and 22 slight injuries on Carr Lane with the accidents, two of which involved pedestrians, caused by motorists losing control of their cars, colliding with other vehicles or carrying out ill-judged overtaking manoeuvres.

The Council agreed to carry out the work in response to fears about vehicle speeds from the police and local people.

Councillor Phil Thornton (Lab, Shipley East) said: "It's a scheme we've been looking at for some time and this is definitely a step in the right direction.

"There is a lot of concern in the area, particularly about vehicles travelling too fast down the hill.

"We can't put road humps there because the decline in the hill is too steep but we hope this will slow drivers down and make them fully aware of pedestrians.''

Other issues to be covered during the forum, organised by the council's Shipley Constituency Area Panel, include local policing, sheltered housing and Council moves to combat dog fouling.

Council officials will also be on hand to report back on items discussed at previous meetings with residents given a chance to raise their own issues during the open forum session.

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