Terrified residents are living in fear after a gang of youths has repeatedly gone on the rampage outside their homes.

Residents of Dalby Avenue, and Palin Avenue, both in Bradford Moor, have dubbed the area 'downtown Beirut' as teenagers repeatedly set alight a derelict house in Palin Avenue, kick in neighbours' doors, vandalise property and hurl abuse at passers-by.

The owner of the targeted house left the home at the beginning of the year and is currently being traced by Bradford Council.

In the past two weeks Idle firefighters have been called to the affected house four times.

In the latest incident on Monday, neighbours say the vandals hurled stones at firefighters. And they are worried that it is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs.

One 45-year-old resident, who asked not to be named in fear of repercussions, said his home had been burgled four times and his car broken into 14 times.

"We are powerless, there is nothing that we can do. We call the police every time something happens, but they do not respond quickly enough," he said.

"It will probably take a death or serious injury before some action is taken," he said.

Inspector Alan Green, of Eccleshill Police, said all calls are prioritised, with the most serious calls being treated urgently.

"Every half term there is an increase in nuisance calls and our work load is already up by a quarter as a result of similar calls across the area," he said.

He did not believe the area was particular troublesome.

"We do have crime analysts who look into areas and it has not been identified as a hotspot," he said.

But residents stay the trouble has been brewing for the past three years and has escalated since December.

One 43-year-old said she was frightened to leave the house unattended.

"When you return you just hope your house and possessions are still there, she said.

Another female resident only leaves her home if she is accompanied by her dog.

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