The search to find a bone marrow donor for a former Lothersdale girl took a Royal turn this week.

The Duchess of York has promised to visit leukaemia sufferer India Farmer, who desperately needs a bone marrow transplant to survive. The Duch-ess was so moved by the four-year-old's plight that she gave blood in the hope it may provide the match to save her life.

India was born at Airedale Hospital in 1993, and was first diagnosed with leukaemia in 1996. She has just started her third course of chemotherapy at St James' Hospital in Leeds.

Her mother Joanna, 33, was at her bedside when the Duchess rang on Monday. She told Joanna: "I'll do as much as I can to help you. I want to give some hope to all children who are suffering from leukemia."

Referring to her daughters - Eugenie, eight, and Beatrice, nine - the Duchess added: "Our thoughts are with you and we are all rooting for you."

Speaking from the family home in Harrogate on Wedn-esday, Joanna said the Duchess spoke to her for about ten minutes and told her Joanna could ring her at any time if she needed help. "The phone call has boosted our morale," says Joanna. "India is very excited at the prospect of the Duchess coming to visit."

Joanna says India is doing fine at the moment. "We go home through the day and she is running rings round everyone," she says.

India's grandfather John Dowson, of Riddlesden, says the publicity that has been generated has been fantastic. "I spoke to India on Tuesday and she was full of it," he says.

However, the search is continuing to find a suitable donor who could save India's life. Anyone who wants to help should contact the Anthony Nolan Trust on 0171 284 1234.

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