BORED youngsters in Silsden have made an appeal to townsfolk to help create a safe haven where they can meet on an evening.

The children say the youth club is only open a few days a week and the rest of the time they are left with nowhere to go to meet their friends and pass the time.

Youngsters Damien Hamson and Carrie Steel appealed to the town's parish council to help them in their search for a suitable place.

"Members of the youth club are complaining about not having enough facilities in Silsden," said 16-year-old Damien.

"This means there's a lot of people on the streets which is leading to violence, alcohol and drug abuse."

The pair asked if the parish council could help by providing a cafe bar where the town's teenagers could meet.

However, councillors said it was up to them to form their own body to come up with proposals.

Last year a group of youngsters were asked to form a youth council in an attempt to get an in-line skating park for Silsden. A small sum of money had been earmarked for this.

But councillors reported that nothing came of the venture.

Coun Paul Bromley suggested members of the youth club should look seriously at the idea again.

"I appreciate that the youth of Silsden need somewhere to go but members of the youth club were very keen on starting a youth council so they could put forward ideas to keep us informed of what they wanted," he said.

"That enthusiasm just disappeared. We can't just provide somewhere unless someone with commercial premises in Silsden is prepared to do it.

"But we don't want anybody to think that we're not looking after the interests of the youth.

"They need to put their heads together and come up with some definite proposals and then come back to us."

Coun Bromley added that the parish council was prepared to support any viable proposition the youngsters could suggest.

"If we're going to move forward to do anything for the young people they have to to try to make the first steps," he continued.

Damien and Carrie agreed to go back to their friends and talk about forming a youth council.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.