STAFF at the Black Horse pub in Skipton are furious at pay conditions imposed on them while refurbishments take place this summer.

Around 30 bar and restaurant employees will receive half-pay for the first six weeks of the pub's closure, then nothing until it reopens in November.

But many feel they cannot live on a 50 per cent wage cut, let alone spending most of the six-month closure without income and some will accept other work should it be offered.

The hotel, owned by the Scottish and Newcastle brewery, is receiving a massive £1m facelift which will see it expand down to the canal.

A bar worker, who asked not to be named, told the Herald: "I have spoken to the rest of the people who work at the Black Horse and they are behind me.

"First of all we got told that it was going to be closed down in January. The manager told us that, when we were closed, we were getting half pay for the duration. We didn't hear anything else until three weeks ago.

"I feel as though I have been really badly treated and I have been here 10 years. A colleague of mine has been here nearly 20. For a very big company Scottish and Newcastle is being quite tight.

"A chef here has a wife and family to support and when he joined three years ago he was told his job would be secure throughout the refurbishments.

"We are all trying to make the best of things but it's getting quite depressing."

The worker said she and some colleagues would be looking for alternative work during the closure.

Georgina Jones, of Scottish and Newcastle Retail, said: "We understand that staff will be disappointed by the pub's closure for refurbishment, however it will result in major improvements which will benefit the community and staff in the long term.

"We usually try to find temporary positions for staff at other Scottish and Newcastle pubs but sadly this has not been possible in this instance.

"We have a standard package for all staff affected by closures for refurbishment of over six weeks. This is more than that required by law.

"We very much hope that the team will want to rejoin us when the Black Horse reopens in November."

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