Bradford council's proposals for re-organising schools are open to change as a result of on-going consultations, insists Cllr Suzanne Rooney.

Cllr Rooney, the council's deputy education chairman, told a packed meeting of the education committee at city hall on Tuesday: "I will be totally surprised if we will be looking at the same things when we come back in June."

Delegations from Old-field First, and Bront' and Cullingworth's Parkside middle schools attended the meeting.

The deadline for responses to the proposals is Friday, May 29. A further report will go to councillors for approval in June. If the Department for Employ-ment and Education agrees the public will have a chance to comment again in the autumn.

The formal consultations are to include discussions over school pyramids and other partners on how best to achieve continuity of education and on staffing issues.

Education chairman Cllr Jim Flood says: "We want the change to be fair but it also has to be manageable. Now is the time for people to give their views on how this can be achieved."

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