Keighley's Holy Family School this month launches an appeal to raise £100,000 in an effort to gain language college status.

Under a scheme of matched funding, the school hopes to attract nearly £500,000 of government money to extend its resources and facilities, and raise achievement levels across the curriculum.

If the bid is successful, the school hopes to extend its international dimension by furthering social and cultural links with schools in Europe. It is hoped a successful bid will also provide specialist facilities and services to meet the foreign-language needs of individuals and organisations within the community.

Deputy head Sean Gilligan says: "The school is geographically well-placed, and we hope to attract interest from the business communities of North Yorkshire and East Lancashire as well as locally."

The school's submission will focus on strong links between the primary, secondary and tertiary education sectors, in particular the feeder schools and the higher education establishments at Trinity and All Saints College, Horsforth, and Bradford University.

Mr Gilligan says: "The intention is to create a purpose-built showcase facility, providing the opportunity to learn modern languages using the latest technology."

Staff and parents of pupils at the school are working together to raise the funds needed. On the weekend of April 25 and 26 there will be a Language College Appeal Launch Weekend. It is hoped these events will build on the successful weekend held at the beginning of March when the school raised nearly £3,000 as part of its celebrations at the start of its European Awareness Project.

There will be a family dance in the school hall with Dale Country on Saturday, April 25, when tickets will be £4 and £10 per family, to include supper. On Sunday, April 26, there will be a Cabaret Evening with Johnny McEvoy, a top Irish recording artist, and tickets for this event will be £10 each to include a meal. Both events start at 7.30pm and there will be a licenced bar.

To reserve tickets ring 603510.

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