A NEW management structure is in place at Skipton's National Westminster bank with managers given a more specialised role.

Caroline Pullich has been appointed branch manager and Arthur Metcalfe, manager for the last five years has taken on a new position as agricultural business manager covering a wide area which includes Craven, Ribble Valley, Wharfedale and Calderdale.

He will still be based in Skipton alongside Gary Smith, who is the business manager, who provides expertise to new and existing businesses with a turnover of more than £50,000.

The banking industry is currently undergoing a major revolution but Ms Pullich said that the emphasis was firmly on providing on customer service.

"We are totally committed and focused on exceeding customer expectations," she said. "Staff developments and ongoing training is a key priority encouraging more individuals to take on more responsibility.

Ms Pullich formerly worked in Bradford while Mr Metcalfe has been with the NatWest for more than 30 years.

He will now be able to concentrate 100 per cent on NatWest's farming business.

"The changing structure of the bank and increased demands from customers has enabled us to strengthen our team and by specialising the role of managers we can provide a more tailored service," he said.

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