by the Rev G Coles, of The Vicarage, St Mary's, Riddlesden

Recently it was reported that a family had been informed, in error, that their close relative had died - only to see him alive some time later! Imagine their shocked grief and then their astonishment and joy. Jesus disciples had a similar grief turned to joy experience but they had actually seen him die!

The Romans had finely tuned their instrument of death. Cicero described crucifixion as 'the most cruel and hideous of tortures'. After hours, sometimes days, of agony the condemned could be 'finished off' by breaking their legs. This effectively stopped them raising their bodies higher on their nailed feet to try to gasp air more freely.

Jesus had not needed 'finishing off'; he'd already had the horrific Roman scourging and been forced to carry a six foot crossbeam till he collapsed. He did, however, cry out as he died: "It is finished!"

Christians believe that he had accomplished the task that God had given him; suffering even worse than the physical and emotional pain. He suffered the spiritual anguish of being separated from God as he paid the price for all our sins.

The message, that has been proclaimed down the ages, is not only that Jesus rose from the dead on the first Easter morning but that he is still alive; never to die again. We believe we have the opportunity to have a fresh start; a clean slate no matter what we've done, or what has happened to us. Jesus offers a personal relationship and the gift of his Holy Spirit, to give the strength to cope with life, plus the gift of eternal life!

How's that for an offer? The price has already been paid, and the free gifts are available when you acknowledge the price that was paid on your behalf.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.