ONCE the butt of many a comedian's jokes, Skoda, the Czech car company, has had the last laugh by being named number one manufacturer in a national customer satisfaction survey.

And Bradford owners have backed the study's findings, saying they would not swap their cars for more illustrious makes.

The survey, conducted by BBC's Top Gear motoring programme and market researchers JD power, had more than 29,000 responses from owners of 'N' registered cars.

It examined three areas of customer satisfaction: problem incidence/resolution; vehicle performance; and customer satisfaction.

Skoda, which is part of the giant Volkswagen Group, scored the highest in two out of the three categories, beating 33 manufacturers to the top slot including the likes of luxury car maker BMW.

But the news has come as no surprise to Bradford's only official Skoda dealer, the Spenboro Motor Company Ltd in Birkenshaw.

Its managing director, Dougie Patterson, a Skoda dealer for 14 years, said: "Skodas are selling that well I've only got two diesels left. Now we're waiting for the delivery of the new shape on April 24.

"There's no doubt they've cracked it and got it right with the new car. It's brilliant and so good I think this coming year is going to be a belter."

Explaining Skoda's bad press, Mr Patterson said: "I tell you what did it, it was those comedians. It became in-built in people's minds. You'd say to your next-door neighbour 'I'm getting a new car' but you'd loathe to tell them it was Skoda."

Many of Mr Patterson's customers feel the same way.

Ex-Aston Martin/Lagonda engineer Henry Crosthwaite, 72, of Wharfedale Rise, Tingley, has driven Skodas for twelve years and presently owns a Felicia 1.6L.

He said: "When I examined the Skoda and had a look at the engineering I thought fair enough, I'll give it a go.

"I think so highly of them now. I've had no problems and just take the cars back to the garage for a service.''

Willie Cowling, 60, of Devon Way, Bailiff Bridge, has driven Skodas for ten years and bought his latest car, a Felicia 1.6, nearly two years ago.

He said: "It's a fine little motor. I used to be the secretary of a BMW Motorcycle Club and I'm well aware of what makes a good engine. It's done 31,000 in 21 months without a problem - with it being new it's probably the best car I've ever had."

Geoffrey Grant, 64, of Fartown, Huddersfield, has been a Skoda driver for twelve years and also owns a Felicia 1.6L.

He said: "The people who won't be seen dead in a Skoda are the people who haven't tried them. I'm really satisfied with mine and I've had no problems.''

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