ENGLAND rounders captain, Natasha Clarke, leads her team to the West Indies next week - ready for a 'Test' series.

Natasha, 28, from Cross Hills, plays social games for the Kildwick team, but also plays for the reigning champions of the competitive Sheffield Ladies League.

She is rated one of the hardes hitting batters in the game and is a first class deep fielder. In addition to rounders she is a qualified coach of soccer, basketball and swimming, and at junior level played representative tennis, badminton, hockey and netball.

But rounders is her first love and the tour to the West Indies is a major step forward for the game.

It is their first major overseas tour, and the West Indies are one of the strongest teams in the international game.

"The team has worked very hard. They are fit, they are ready and they are proud to be representing England - we are determined to win," she said.

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