Murdered Keighley car dealer Mark Hickman was involved in a long-standing dispute with a man, a Court heard this week.

Prosecutor Patrice Morris said Hickman had taken out a contract on a man called Richard Mears. He said it was due to be carried out by David Deakin, one of the men now charged with Hickman's Murder.

She was speaking after reporting restrictions were lifted at a hearing on Tuesday at Calder Magistrates Court, Halifax, where three men appeared on charges of murdering Mr Hickman.

Granville Rooley made an unsuccessful bail application for Mark Andrew Deakin, 30, who is charged along with his brother David Harold Edmund Deakin, 25, and stepfather David Deakin, 52.

Mrs Morris said: "The case against all three men revolves around their involvement with Mark Hickman, who was found in Shelf on Friday, February 13, with severe head injuries and multiple stab wounds. After police investigations and witnesses were located a picture of events began to arise.

"There had been a long-standing dispute between Mr Hickman and a man called Richard Mears. Mr Hickman had taken a contract out on Mr Mears and David Deakin was to carry out that contract.

"There had been several calls made on Mr Hickman's mobile phone to David Deakin senior. Forensic tests showed marks from footwear found at the scene similar to footwear owned by David Harold Edmund Deakin.

"There were also tyre tracks at the scene which matched those of a car owned by Mark Deakin.

"A similar vehicle was seen in the Windy Hill area, where two other cars were found burned out."

The hearing heard that David Deakin, of First Avenue, Windy Bank, Liversedge, David Harold Edmund Deakin, of Cliffe Street, Staincliffe, Batley, and Mark Deakin, of First Avenue, Liversedge, were arrested on suspicion of killing Mr Hickman, of Whinn Knoll Avenue, Keighley. They were charged with murder on March 6.

Mr Rooley said: "The police seem to believe that my client is guilty of this crime. The only basis they have for charging him is the fact he is related to David Deakin and David Harold Edmund Deakin, and the fact that three men must have been involved.

"Mark does not believe his brother or step father are involved in the killing of Mr Hickman and is certainly not involved himself. The police have blinkers on as far as my client is concerned."

Paul Normandale, for David Deakin and David Harold Edmund Deakin, said: "I have carried out some investigations myself and have found that Mr Hickman was heavily involved with the drugs fraternity.

"I would like any information about him and other people involved to be forwarded to me."

All three men were remanded in custody until May 1.

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