The award-winning Keigh-ley News has been nominated for a newspaper industry 'Oscar'.

The KN has been nominated as a finalist in the annual BT North East of England Press and Broadcast Awards in the category of Weekly Newspaper of the Year. Judges have looked at the newspaper's overall content and design and have also taken into account the newspaper's community involvement.

The winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony in York later this month.

KN editor Malcolm Hoddy says: "To be nominated as a finalist is a tremendous achievement.

"The last 18 months has seen many changes as we keep pace with the technological advances. It has involved new equipment and staff learning a host of new skills.

"This makes the nomination even more valuable and recognises the talents and commitment of the team here at North Street to maintaining the reputation of the KN as a true community newspaper.

"We are very proud to have been nominated."

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