Continuing its focus on businesses in the area, NatWest has developed its Business Centre in Keighley.

The Centre is run by business managers Clive Crayston, who has been at Keighley for nine months, and John Frankland, who has recently taken up his position.

Clive has been with NatWest for 15 years. He has held a variety of positions across the North East and Yorkshire.

John has 30 years experience at NatWest behind him, having been a manager since 1992, most recently in Bingley.

Annemarie Harford and Liz Smith have recently been appointed to the business team, and will concentrate on the needs of local business customers. The team is located in the Keighley branch on North Street, Keighley.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.