St Mary's First School at Riddlesden will remain a Church of England school, pledges chairman of governors John Learmouth.

Mr Learmouth says the close links with the village church will be retained under a proposed move to the nearby Grange Middle School site. He says when St Mary's becomes a primary and nursery school with more pupils than at present it will still be a voluntary-aided school providing a good-quality Christian education.

A statement from Mr Learmouth, intended to clear up confusion following the release of detailed council proposals, was read out at St Mary's Church on Sunday.

He says: "The foundation governors and staff are pleased with the outcome of the school review and will work hard to minimise any disruption and anxiety which the proposed changes may cause to some of our present pupils and their parents."

Church of England officials worked closely with Bradford council in drawing up the proposals now out for public consultation. The Bishop of Bradford, the Right Rev David Smith, says: "I know very difficult decisions about the proposed future of schools have been reached carefully and responsibly. Those who handle the process which leads to the changes will need wisdom and sensitivity as they listen to the responses of communities."

The bishop says he and the diocesan board of education will now take time to satisfy themselves that the proposals will meet the stated aims.

of improving standards for the children of the district.

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