THE decomposed body of a man has been found in a former council house on Bradford's Greengates estate.

The remains were discovered last night by the man's housemate who returned to the semi in Roundwood Glen after a period away.

It is believed the body had been there for some weeks.

A gas fire was still on and had accelerated decomposition of the remains.

Neighbours today said they were horrified to learn that a dead body had been lying for days in a house on their quiet, secluded street.

Melanie Smith, 20, who lives two doors away from the house where the body was found, said:

"It is horrifying when you realise that there has been a dead body lying in a house for so long right next to where you live.''

Neighbours said they did not know the dead man, who is thought to be in his early 20s.

It is thought he moved into the rented house just two months ago.

It is not know whether he had any family in Bradford.

Police said the friend who found the body also lived at that address but had been away for some weeks.

He alerted the police on his return to the house last night at about 7.15pm, calling them from the Smiths' house.

Ms Smith said: "He was in a complete state of shock. His body was shaking."

Police forensic experts were at the scene today to comb the house for evidence.

Detective Sergeant Gerry O'Shea, of Eccleshill CID, said: "We are not treating the death has suspicious." A post-mortem examination will be carried out.

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