A day nursery hopes to increase its roll from 20 to 35 children and create an extra seven jobs.

One neighbour has objected to a planning application submitted to Bradford council by the Kiddiwinks nursery , which is based on Keighley Road, Crossflatts, opposite Magnet. The neighbour claims that existing noise levels from the nursery are already quite high and that they will become unacceptable if more children are play outside.

The owners of the nursery admit that the number of children using the play area will increase slightly but say it will not be used more often.

The nursery is in a former semi-detached house, and has a small car park with access from the back on Marley View.

Council highways officers agree with the owners that on-street parking by users of the nursery will not cause road safety problems. They say that Marley View provides enough room for cars to turn round in.

Planning officers have recommended that councillors approve the application at their meeting on Thursday.

Nursery's Easter party, page 21

More planning news, page 24

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