DAVIDE LONGO has joined the Cougars, adding pace and power to the club's half-back line-up.

The former Bradford Bulls player has joined the Keighley club on an 18-month contract from Swinton Lions. "He is a quality player and I think he has the opportunity to make real progress at the Cougars, said coach Lee Crooks.

He is also working on a string of other deals in a bid to strengthen his squad, but is refusing to be rushed into signing new players.

"I only want players who are keep to come here and put everything into the Cougars.

"I still haven't given up on Lee Hansen, but I am not going to put his arm up his back. He has to want to play here, and I can understand that he is still looking for a place in Super League," he said.

Former Halifax and Castleford Super League player Grant Anderson could also join the club after he returns from holiday in Barbados.

"He was unlucky to be cut from the Castleford squad and would certainly do a good job for us if he remained free of the injuries.

"There is also a possibility of another player coming on loan, but the players who have joined already,including Jason Laurence, Joe Simpson and Davide Longo have given a big boost to the squad.

"Friday evening's game against Hull KR will be tough, but training has gone superbly. We now have the ability to beat them, if the players do as I tell them and we work as hard on the field of play as we have on the training field," Crooks said.

Hard tackling Alan Julian should also be back from injury together with Aussie Brock McDonald.

"Our squad is looking fairly healthy, but it will certainly be tested this weekend. I haven't even though about Monday's game at Featherstone yet," he said.

Cougars are joining forces with boxing super star Prince Nazeem Hamed and Charity FirstKey in their home match against Widnes.

The national charity works to help the 10,000 young people who come out of the care system every year.

Charity director, Peter Hardman, was born and brought up in Keighley and is an ardent Cougar fan. He decided to link up with the club as part of a campaign to raise their profile across the country.

After sponsoring the man of the match award at tonight's game against Hull KR the charity will be main match sponsor of the Widnes game when there will be a half-time collection and a raffle to raise money for the charity.

Prince Nazeem recently became the charity's Patron and he has donated a pair of signed boxing gloves and a painting of him in action as raffle prizes. Other prizes include a signed Cougar shirt and a meal for two in the VIP suite at any Cougar game.

"We want to make people aware of the plight of young people leaving care. Many are very young and have very little support as they enter the big wide world which can be a terrifying place for those without a family to help them through," Mr Hardman said.

l The club is also backing School Meals Week when young fans will create their own headgear on the theme of Cougars and healthy eating. The competition will be judged at half-time in the Swinton match, 1st prize is a signed shirt and match tickets, 2nd Two free match tickets, 3rd A signed ball.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.