Friends of tragic Ryan Harrison, who died when his skateboard careered into a bus, are staging a charity football tournament in his memory.

The nine-year-old youngster used to enjoy kicking a ball about in the street outside his home in Carr Bottom Avenue and now his playmates are to compete for the Ryan Harrison Memorial Shield.

The five-a-side U11 tournament will be played on Saturday, April 25, to mark his birthday on April 29.

His father Andrew said: "It's nice because all his close friends will be involved, they used to play football here together.

"Another friend called Tommy Hogan from London, who he met on holiday in Ibiza, is also coming up specially to play in the tournament.

"Every year at the time of his birthday we will do something, it won't be football every year.

"He was more of a rugby fan than football fan, he loved Bradford Bulls and they sent a couple of players to his funeral."

A verdict of accidental death was recorded at the inquest into Ryan's death. He had scooted out of a steep snicket, lying down on his skateboard, which had collided with a bus in Brownroyd Hill.

On his death, his family opted to donate the corneas from his eyes to help another patient, believing that was what their son would have wanted.

Half of the proceeds from the football tournament will now be donated to the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB).

The other half will be donated to a new Bradford Cat Protection League group recently set up in the city, in memory of Ryan's love of animals - he talked of becoming a vet.

The football tournament is in need of further sponsorship. If you can help, contact Elaine at C and B Fabrications on (01535) 658065.Each competitor will receive a medal, donated by Manningham accountancy firm Auker Rhodes.

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