Well-known Silsden care worker Mrs Morreen Ellis died at her Gloucester Avenue home on Wednesday, just three weeks after being diagnosed as having cancer.

Mrs Ellis, 57, was a mother of five and grandmother of nine.

Born and brought up in Silsden, Mrs Ellis moved to Keighley in 1958 after marrying her first husband, Edward Henry, and returned to Silsden in 1984 after his death. All her working life was spent at local residential homes.

Mrs Ellis spent several years at The Oaks in Keighley as a care assistant, before moving to Raikes Hall at Silsden as a care assistant, then cook and later manager.

For the last 18 months she had worked as a supervisor at Summerfield residential home in Silsden.

During her time at local homes she had always been involved with the residents, their families and medical staff, and helped to organise charity and fund-raising events.

Devoted worker .. Morreen, right.

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